analytics.js:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
in progress
Erik Akhmetov
Hello! I'm making a game for Telegram app using Unity WebGL. So I managed to launch GameAnalytics (i see active user) but events don't send. Browser console show me that error
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
I can't directly download .js file from
Can you please help with it? What me to do?
Nicky Toma
in progress
Nicky Toma
Hi Erik! What type of events are you not seeing in the dashboard? I'm thinking you are integrating the latest version of the SDK, but I'll ask just to be 100% sure.
Erik Akhmetov
Nicky Toma I see all of events. Just worring about this error
Erik Akhmetov
Hi again! I'm trying to initialize GA in index.html (js code) before Unity initializing to see events during game loading in WebView. But I can't do it cause of this problem
Erik Akhmetov
Hi! Can you please answer me on that?