Config key case sensitivity
Nicky Toma
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
under review
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Hi David!
Hmm.. could you elaborate on what "on game" means?
Is it the values you use in the SDK or perhaps when shown for filtering later on Explore Tool?
David Hovhannisyan
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen:
Hi Nikolaj. This problem is not relevant anymore, but I'm still curious about it.
Yes, I used the values in the SDK like this:
string cfgValue = GameAnalytics.GetRemoteConfigsValueAsString("mode", someDefaultValue);
But on the dashboard I made the configuration with config key: "Mode".
Is the case-sensitivity for the config key (Mode vs mode) matter here?
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
David Hovhannisyan: Hi David! I am not exactly sure sadly. It is something I have added for us to look at/review when we start to work on AB Test / RC improvements. And we would likely streamline it then.
If you want to know for sure then please contact our support here. Thank you for reporting this!
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Harry Antoniades
Hi David,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Would you please be able to submit a ticket either through our contact form or by directly emailing
Our friendly support team will be able to answer any questions you have. Thank you for understanding and for using GameAnalytics.