Easier progression funnels creation
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Hi Ivan Trafimovich!
We released a way solve this (and other things) we hope.
We have introduced more options for selecting filter values. In this specific case it will allow you (hopefully) to order the level values when selected. This should then amount to the Funnel steps being in order as well when clicking the "convert to steps".
Also you can use "shift+click" to select many at once.
See the screenshot for what sorting would fit here.
Let us know if this works for you .. thanks!
Nicky Toma
under review
Nicky Toma
Hey Ivan. I've went through the converting to steps function we have in funnels in this loom, hopefully this helps? Let me know! https://www.loom.com/share/2f4a1250f0e94cac86187db614d947b0
Also thank you for the previous feedback you left!
Ivan Trafimovich
Nicky Toma: Hi,. It looks great - but doesn't work for me. sorting is wierd. that's what i get after adding like 25 levels
order is also broken when you select levels .(but i selected them in correct order from 1 to 25)
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Hi Ivan Trafimovich . Thanks for the feedback. We are working on improvements to the filtering value selection, so these can be ordered correctly (based on the number in the string). And when selected the order should remain as well in Funnel steps. This should address the issue. We will update here once deployed.
In the future (for new games) we recommend using level_001, level_002 etc.