Explore - how to access design events
under review
How can I Explore specific design events (in Explore)? I dont see any of the design events by name when seleting on Y axis. Previously I could add design events on the x or y axis, incluging the text name they were submitted with. Here it just says "Custom event per session count" - with no extra arrows to drill down to the actual named design event.
I must be missing something as it renders it useless (from a design analysis perspective)?
Nicky Toma
under review
Nicky Toma
Hey Al!
I hope I'm understanding the use case properly, but do let me know if there's something else you are looking for!
So first you you need to select Event Category to be Design, then go to Group by & Split, and split by Event Dimension > Event ID (then you can choose which event ID you want to split by).
I'll post screenshots for clarity.
Do let me know if this is not what you're looking for! You can also switch to the legacy version, which we will support until the end of Q4 this year. I'll close the thread you sent in support for now.
Nicky Toma: Hiya
Thanks for the quick reply! Ah I see, great I can still drill down by design event, that's good.
One thing, I may be missing it, but when I use group by & split, in the drop down, they are described as "Event id 01", "Event id 02" and not given their proper names as used when submitting the design event - so that makes it hard to know what I am selecting there before applying. Is that right?
Nicky Toma
Al: You are correct, it will only mention the ID but not much more. I think the ID's depend on how the even is constructed in code.
GameAnalytics.NewDesignEvent ("Achievement:Killing:Neutral:10_Kills", 123);
I think for the following case ID 1 would be "Achievement", ID 2 "Killing", and so on.
I think why it's done like that is because having the actual message in the web-tool could lead to some interface bugs or use cases that are hard to deal with.
Would making it apparent somewhere what the ID's means be enough to make it less confusing you think? We could add somewhere in the web-tool the example I just posted with the achievements.
Nicky Toma: This is really a shame because in the legacy version you could see the event names and select what you were seeing when slecting axis.
Now I am guessing in the dark about which (out of the dozens and dozens) of design events, I am selecting to see. I can't see how anyone with a serious game could use this effectively to analyze design without this.
So yes, absuletely, you need to be able to see the design event names (before running the search) when setting up a tool to examine design event names.
Perhaps this creates UI challenges, but then, just make the fields wider and show the field names, and that would solve it. This worked fine in the prior version.
This counts as a major regression from my perspective as I am having a useful tool removed from me with this update.
Nicky Toma
Al: Actually something just came to my mind.
There's another way to view the Design Events, by using event filters as well as split.
So if you go into the Event Filters, there you can see the names of the ID's (it didn't cross my mind the first time). Then if you split by ID1 or 2 or 3, it will only include the ID's that you selected in the event filters, when viewing the split.
I think this would be what you are looking for.
So in the screenshots below I selected ID1 to be login and id 2 just google. Then I split by ID 2 and got a visualization just with the count of users logged in with google
Nicky Toma: Hiya. Thanks for highlighting this! This makes much more sense - using group and then the filter where the names are included restores the functionality I thought was missing. It would be useful to have a select all in the event filter drop downs. edit - maybe leaving unspecified achieves that.
Are there plans to alter the chart. In current testing I'd like to flip the axis, or show as a pie chart. Thanks.
Nicky Toma
Al: Yes, you're right unspecified does that, then if you split by the ID you will see all available options.
Yes, we are planning on updating the features based on feedback, so thank you :), I will let product know about your requests.