Funnels with ":" don't work
In your documentation you have examples like "newUserTutorial:namedCharacter:complete" for sending design events. But in reality when you name an event like this then you can't build a funnel with custom fields.
For example:
// send game analytics event
var customFields = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"carName", CurrentCar.VehicleName},
{"moneyAfterPurchase", Wallet.Money},
{"completedLevels", SaveController.GetCompletedLevels(0)}
GameAnalyticsSDK.GameAnalytics.NewDesignEvent("car:buy", customFields);
And I can only see "car" and "buy" in the funnel event ids, but I can't see fields like "carName" and others.
The lack a basic functionality is still shocking.
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Nikolaj Ahlberg-Pedersen
Hi Andrey.
The "custom fields" is an option to add up to 50 custom key/value fields to an event. This data is only available in our DataSuite product as mentioned on the documentation (see image).
The means that you can access these via raw event data processing or in our Player Warehouse (BigQuery) where these fields will show in an JSON column.
In your case you can add the level as a 3rd value. "car:buy:[car_name]"