How do I go back to the old version?
Ruslan Shayhutdinov
I can't work with the new version. It is not convenient, everything is wrong.
- The cohort dashboard is horrible by design, some wall of text.
- I used to be able to see from which countries the traffic was coming every day, now you are grouping countries for a period, what for?
- How do you compare two versions of the game? I used to be able to specify a filter and compare graphs by version.
- Where are the other filters gone and how do I use them?
Why are you making a new version? What for? You had everything working fine. Bring back the old version.
And tell me how to go back to the old version?
Nicky Toma
Nicky Toma
under review
Nicky Toma
Hi again Ruslan. I was thinking a bit and I believe there is a way for you to see the data that you mentioned.
You can view New Users by country by going to the Explore Tool, selecting Group By & Split, leave the grouping to Time > Day, and performing a split by Global Dimension > Country Code. You will be able to see the data in the following format. You can also Save your view by selecting the Save button that is also in the screenshot with the split. You could also create a custom dashboard for this, as the widget use the Explore Tool to be created, and you could have a one with this particular visualisation.
You can also split by Build on any metric, which would allow you to view for example, DAU for each version of the game. I hope I understood this correctly, and we are working on adding a comparison feature.
As I mentioned in the previous response there are metrics that are we are still introducing to V3, apologies for the inconvenience.
As to why we had to update the product you can see more information here:
I hope this helped to some degree!
Nicky Toma
Hi Ruslan, thanks for the feedback. I will bring this to our teams.
We are still working on adding every filter and feature from the legacy tool to the new version, and that's why you can't use the comparison feature and some filters.
Meanwhile, you can go back to the legacy tool by using the following button: