Mean count for metric
under review
Nicky Toma
under review
Nicky Toma
Hi Mariyan! I believe the default aggregation type for Retention is mean. In the old tool the aggregation picker was active for the retention metric, but mean was the only one that was possible to select.
Do let me know if you have more questions!
Mariyan Georgiev
Nicky Toma: Thanks for the reply. There is only "Count 0" in the right corner and no other options. Where should I look for the mean? For the whole period!
Nicky Toma
Mariyan Georgiev: Hey Mariyan, you are completely right. I thought it was mean by default as in the old tool, but it sums up the Retention at the moment, which I believe is not the intended result.
You can view mean in the legacy version (i'll post a screenshot of the location), as it's the only available aggregation type. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Mariyan Georgiev
Nicky Toma: Yes, I know how to use the old version, thanks. I just wanted to see whats new, but there are still some bugs I guess you need more time to make it more usable.
Also some other question: What happened with the custom Dashboards? Why they are gone in the new version?
Nicky Toma
Mariyan Georgiev: That's a very good question! At the moment they don't transfer between versions, but there have been more requests for it, perhaps there is a way for us to transfer them. I am not sure at the moment!
Mariyan Georgiev
Nicky Toma: Thank you very much for the conversation. I hope things go well in time :).