UTMs, Custom dimensions
Erik Akhmetov
Hi! I know that I can't have more than 20 elements in CustomDimension but with code I can create any count in Unity. I mean I can create CustomDimension value without Settings in Unity, just create it with code.
I use it for UTM source info so I just open the game with that link with UTM info and it adds to analytics.
But I'm not sure that GameAnalytics dashboard will show me more than 20 elements. Can you tell me what happened when game's build will send to GA 21+ element for Custom Dimension?
And 2nd question: what I should do to track UTMs? I mean I wanna see several layers of UTM in dashbord. I wanna split players by source (Instagram, Facebook and etc. For example I wanna see how players from Facebook-campaign1 and TikTok-campaign2 play the game. So I need minimum 2 layers of dimension but CustomDimension has only 1.
What I should use to Split players in dashboard correctly?
Nicky Toma
Hello! For the first question, they must be set before in the Unity settings, otherwise you won't be able to use them. Because that has a limit of 20, you won't be able to add any more using code.
For the second question, hopefully I understand this correctly, but you can split by more than 1 custom dimension. The image I posted below shows custom dimension 1 with 3 values. So if you'd have custom dimension 1 to be: Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc...), you can split by all of these.
For attribution we also have the acquisition filters. Once you connect GA to an attribution partner we will start receiving the data from them (https://docs.gameanalytics.com/integrations/attribution). You can find these as well in global filters.
Hopefully I didn't misunderstood anything, but do let me know if I did or if you have any more questions!
Erik Akhmetov
Nicky Toma Hi! Thanks for the answer! About 1st question - clear
About 2nd - count of platforms is less than 60 or 20, yes. But we wanna see how players play from different Campaigns. For example FbCampaign1, FbCampaign2, FbCampaign3 and etc. There will be a lot of it to find the most effective place to get quality players.
Nicky Toma
Erik Akhmetov: Hi! If you are using one of the attribution partners from the list in our documentation, you don't have to keep track of the campaigns in custom dimensions, they should automatically appear in "acquisition campaign" in global filters.
Erik Akhmetov
Nicky Toma I'm developing (release soon) Unity WebGL game for Telegram application. So most of mobile tools don't work with WebGL. But I'll try, thanks!
Nicky Toma
Erik Akhmetov Ah! I see. Hmm. In that case, perhaps you could try keeping track of them in a design event?
If you can somehow keep track of the campaigns on your side?
For example a design event:
newDesignEvent(attribution:campaignName). campaignName would be a variable on your side where you keep track of the campaign as a string. Like this you could have 1 event per attribution campaign, but do keep in mind that we have some limits on events (https://docs.gameanalytics.com/event-types/event-limits). Something to keep in mind when instrumenting events.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you try it and doesn't work! I'll try to think of something else!
Erik Akhmetov
Nicky Toma but I can't use Split with Design events in Dashboard or use Global with Design events